Long distance is hard. F*ck.

There is only a 58% success rate when it comes to long distance relationships. It said that the 4 month mark is seen as the hardest, most emotionally difficult month of all time. Most long distance couples say that it is the intimacy that they miss the most.

I am in the 4th month of my long distance relationship and fuck, it’s hard. For a long time I prayed and asked God just to bless me with the right guy. I have made so many mistakes with regards to relationships, and all I wanted was one person, that I wanted nothing else but love from. Guess what?…

God answered my prayers. He sent me a man that loves me for me. That doesn’t want me to change anything about me. He loves every single fault, every imperfection. He loves me, and that’s something I have never felt before. Not even by my own father. I on the other hand, love him just as much. Maybe even more.

You would think that having this intense, strong love for one another would make it easier. But it doesn’t. It will never get easier and I’m starting to realize this. However, just because it’s not going to get easier doesn’t mean you should give up. If that strong, intense love is there then why will you let a little diffifuly affect you.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And that’s exactly what I intend to do with this relationship. The harder it gets, the more I’m going to remind him, how much I love him, and I know it will be reciprocated.

Don’t allow the difficult times to blind you from the love that you deserve. Remind each other of their worth to you, remind them of the times you have been able to spend time together.

If it’s worth it, it will all fall into place. I believe my relationship is worth it. This is me reminding you how much I love you, and how every time we are together we have these uncontrollable laughed. Never ending memories.

We will get through this, and everything else that comes our way.

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